
Los proyectos de investigación culminan en publicaciones en prestigiosas revistas científicas nacionales e internacionales


Año 2022

– Fernandez-Verdejo R, Galgani JE. Predictive equations for energy expenditure in adult humans: from resting to free-living conditions. Obesity 2022;30(8):1537-1548.

– Alcantara JMA, Galgani JE, Jurado-Fasoli L, Dote-Montero M, Merchan-Ramirez E, Ravussin E, Ruiz JR, Sanchez-Delgado G. Validity of four commercially available metabolic carts for assessing resting metabolic rate and respiratory exchange ratio in non-ventilated humans. Clin Nutr 2022;41(3):746-754.

– Cofre S, Perez V, Giuras N, Pino JL, Diaz C, Argüello G. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of a questionnaire on eating habits and physical activity of university students in confinement due to coronavirus disease. Public Health Nutr 2022;31:1-7.

– Herrera Santelices A, Cofré Jara S, Zúñiga Reyes F, Ballesteros Montoya S, Argüello Florencio G. The Baseline of the Patients Cohort Undergoing Bariatric Surgery in Chile. BJSTR 2022;41 (1): 32402-32409.

– Samuel Durán Agüero, José Hernández, Solange Parra-Soto, Cristian Püschel, Andrés Zapata, Enrique Cerda, Mauricio Ríos. Comparación y migración de la actividad física durante el confinamiento por covid-19 en 4 países de latinoamérica.. Retos 2022;46: 18-23.

Jose E Galgani, Audrey Bergouignan, Jennifer Rieusset, Cedric Moro, Julie-Anne Nazare. Editorial: Metabolic Flexibility. Front Nutr 2022;Jun 2;9:946300.

– Juan M Alcantara, Guillermo Sanchez-Delgado, Lucas Jurado-Fasoli, Jose E. Galgani, Idoia Labayen, Jonatan R. Ruiz. Reproducibility of the energy metabolism response to an oral glucose tolerance test: influence of a postcalorimetric correction procedure. Eur J Nutr 2022; Aug 25.

– Nicoletti-Rojas D, Retamal R, Cerda-Rioseco R, Rodríguez-Osiac L, Fuentes-Alburquenque M, Araya-Bannout M . Effects of sociodemographic and health factors on the self-management of non-communicable diseases among Chilean adults during the Covid-19 pandemic. PLOS Glob Public Health 2(7): e0000763. 

– Andrés Bustamante, Diego García Díaz, Paula Jiménez, Rodrigo Valenzuela, María Elsa Pando, Francisca Echeverría. Potential therapeutic effect for liver steatosis of polyphenols obtained from pomegranate peel. Rev Ch Nutr 2022;49(1): 89-99.

– Jessica Zúñiga-Hernández, Verónica Sambra, Francisca Echeverría, Luis A. Videla, Rodrigo Valenzuela. N-3 PUFAs and their specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators on airway inflammatory response: beneficial effects in the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. Food Funct 2022;2022,13, 4260-4272.

– Jaime Zapata, Arturo Gallardo, Claudio Romero, Rodrigo Valenzuela, Diego García Díaz, Lissette Duarte, Andrés Bustamante, Nashcla Gassaly, Martin Gotteland, Francisca Echeverría. N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the regulation of adipose tissue browning and thermogenesis in obesity: Potential relationship with gut microbiota. PLEFA 2022;177:102388.

– Nicolás Jeria, Sebastián Cornejo, Gabriel Prado, Andrés Bustamante, Diego García Díaz, Paula Jiménez, Rodrigo Valenzuela, Carlos Poblete-Aro, Francisca Echeverría. Beneficial Effects of Bioactive Compounds Obtained from Agro-Industrial By-Products on Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome Components. Food Reviews International 2022;10.1080/87559129.2021.2013498.

Vega-Salas, M. J., Curi-Quinto, K., Hidalgo-Aréstegui, A., Meza-Carbajal, K., Lago-Berrocal, N., Arias, L., Favara, M., Penny, M., Sanchez, A., Vimaleswaran, K. S. Development of an online food frequency questionnaire and estimation of misreporting of energy intake during the COVID-19 pandemic among young adults in Peru. Frontiers in Nutrition 2022;9, 949330. 

– María Fernanda Tumani, Juan Pablo Espejo, Carolina Aguirre, Carolina Fredes, Alejandra Parada. Profesionalismo en la nutricionista: ¿Qué es y cómo incorporarlo en la formación de pregrado?. Rev Ch Nutr 2022;2022; 49(3): 399-404.

– Juan Pablo Espejo, María Fernanda Tumani, Carolina Aguirre, Julieta Sanchez, Alejandra Parada. Educación alimentaria nutricional: Estrategias para mejorar la adherencia al plan dietoterapéutico.. Rev Ch Nutr 2022;2022;49(3):391-398.

– Rodrigo Fernández-Verdejo, Jose E Galgani. Exploring the sequential accumulation of metabolic syndrome components in adults. Sci Rep 2022;2022 Sep 23;12(1):15925.

– Jaime Zapata, Mauricio Castro-Sepulveda, Sandra A Soto-Alarcon, Daniela Alvarez, Andres Bustamante, Guiselle Villarroel, Arturo Gallardo, Diego F Garcia-Diaz, Rodrigo Valenzuela, Francisca Echeverria. Targeting mitochondria for the prevention and treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: polyphenols as a non-pharmacological approach. Curr Med Chem 2022.

– Herrera Santelices A, Argüello Florencio G, Greice Westphal, Nelson Nardo Junior, Antonio Roberto Zamunér. Effects of Supervised Physical Exercise as Prehabilitation on Body Composition, Functional Capacity and Quality of Life in Bariatric Surgery Candidates: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Clin Med 2022;2022 Aug 30;11(17):5091.

– Del-Sueldo MA, Mendonça-Rivera MA, Sánchez-Zambrano MB, Zilberman J, Múnera-Echeverri AG, Paniagua M, Campos-Alcántara L, Almonte C, Paix-Gonzales A, Anchique-Santos CV, Coronel CJ, Castillo G, Parra-Machuca MG, Duro I, Varletta P, Delgado P, Volberg VI, Puente-Barragán AC, Rodríguez A, Rotta-Rotta A, Fernández A, Izeta-Gutiérrez AC, Ancona-Vadillo AE, Aquieri A, Corrales A, Simeone A, Rubilar B, Artucio C, Pimentel-Fernández C, Marques-Santos C, Saldarriaga C, Chávez C, Cáceres C, Ibarrola D, Barranco D, Muñoz-Ortiz E, Ruiz-Gastelum ED, Bianco E, Murguía E, Soto E, Rodríguez-Caballero F, Otiniano-Costa F, Valentino G, Rodríguez-Cermeño IB, Rivera IR, Gándara-Ricardo JA, Velásquez-Penagos JA, Torales J, Scavenius K, Dueñas-Criado K, García L, Roballo L, Kazelian LR, Coussirat-Liendo M, Costa-Almeida MC, Drever M, Lujambio M, Castro ML, Rodríguez-Sifuentes M, Acevedo M, Giambruno M, Ramírez M, Gómez N, Gutiérrez-Castillo N, Greatty O, Harwicz P, Notaro P, Falcón R, López R, Montefilpo S, Ramírez-Flores S, Verdugo S, Murguía S, Constantini S, Vieira TC, Michelis V, Serra CM. Clinical practice guideline of the Interamerican Society of Cardiology on primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in women. Arch Cardiol Mex 2022;92(Supl):1–68.

– Paola Varleta, Mónica Acevedo, Giovanna Valentino, Silvina Brienza, Mildren del Sueldo. Conciencia de Enfermedad Cardiovascular y Conocimiento sobre Factores de Riesgo y Prevención Cardiovascular: Resultados Chilenos de Encuesta SIAC Cono Sur. Rev Chil Cardiol 2022;41:82-91.

Vega-Salas, M. J., Murray, C., Nunes, R., Hidalgo-Arestegui, A., Curi-Quinto, K., Penny, M. E., Cueto, S., Lovegrove, J. A., Sánchez, A., Vimaleswaran, K. S. School environments and obesity: a systematic review of interventions and policies among school-age students in Latin America and the Caribbean. Int J Obes 2022;10: 1-12.

Año 2021

– Gabriela Salazar, Barbara Leyton, Carolina Aguirre, Alyerina Anziani, Gerardo Weisstaub, Camila Corvalán. Anthropometric and bioimpedance equations for fat and fat-free mass in Chilean children 7–9 years of age. Br J Nutr  2021;126(1):37-42.

Carolina Aguirre, Diego A Bonilla, Rafael Almendra-Pegueros, Alberto Pérez-López, Amparo Gamero, Miguel Angelo dos Santos Duarte Junior, et al. Evaluación de la ingesta alimentaria: una reflexión que nos acerque al futuro. Rev Esp Nutr Hum Diet 2021;25(2):266-268.

– Tumani María Fernanda, Tapia Gladys, Aguirre Carolina, Obregón Ana María, Pettinelli Paulina. Rol de la microbiota intestinal en el desarrollo del hígado graso no alcohólico. Rev Med Ch 2021;149:570-579.

– Castro-Sepulveda M, Fernández-Verdejo R, Tuñón-Suárez M, Morales-Zúñiga J, Troncoso M, Jannas-Vela S, Zbinden-Foncea H. Low abundance of Mfn2 protein correlates with reduced mitochondria-SR juxtaposition and mitochondrial cristae density in human men skeletal muscle: Examining organelle measurements from TEM images. FASEB J  2021;35(4):e21553.

Rodrigo Fernández-Verdejo, Lorena Malo-Vintimilla, Juan Gutiérrez-Pino, Antonio López-Fuenzalida, Pablo Olmos, Pablo Irarrazaval, Jose E Galgani. Similar metabolic health in overweight/obese individuals with contrasting metabolic flexibility to an oral glucose tolerance test. Front Nutr 2021;8:745907.

Fernández-Verdejo R, Suárez-Reyes M. Physical inactivity versus sedentariness: analysis of the chilean national health survey 2016-2017. Rev Med Ch 2021;149(1):103-109.

Fernández-Verdejo R, Alcantara JMA, Galgani JE, Acosta FM, Migueles JH, Amaro-Gahete FJ, Labayen I, Ortega FB, Ruiz JR. Deciphering the constrained total energy expenditure model in humans by associating accelerometer-measured physical activity from wrist and hip. Sci Rep 2021;11(1):12302.

– Franco W, Benavides S, Valencia P, Ramírez C, Urtubia A. Native Yeasts and Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Spontaneous Fermentation of Seven Grape Cultivars from the Maule Region (Chile). Foods  2021;10(8):1737.

– Benavides S, Mariotti-Celis MS, Paredes MJC, Parada JA, Franco WV. Thyme essential oil loaded microspheres for fish fungal infection: Microstructure, in vitro dynamic release and antifungal activity. J Microencapsul  2021;38(1):11-21.

– Paula García, Carolina Fredes, Inés Cea, Jesús Lozano-Sánchez, Francisco Javier Leyva-Jiménez, Paz Robert, Cristina Vergara, Paula Jimenez. Recovery of Bioactive Compounds from Pomegranate ( Punica granatum L.) Peel Using Pressurized Liquid Extraction. Foods 2021;10(2):203.

Galgani JE & Fernández-Verdejo R. Pathophysiological role of metabolic flexibility on metabolic health. Obes Rev 2021;22(2):e13131.

C Leiva, P Bravo, C Arias, JF Cabello, MJ Leal-Witt, F Salazar and V Cornejo. 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D Level, Bone Health, Vitamin D and Calcium Intake in Chilean Patients with Phenylketonuria and Hyperphenylalaninemias. J Inborn Errors Metabolism & Screening  2021;9:e20210004.

Constanza Méndez, Carmen Gloria Parodi, Carolina Bello, Ignacio Villagrán. Percepción del aprendizaje en línea adaptado en contexto de COVID-19 en estudiantes de Nutrición. Inv Ed Med 2021;10(40):37-51.

Méndez CS, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. Contribution of Gut Microbiota to Immune Tolerance in Infants. J Immunol Res  2021;2021:7823316.

Alejandra Parada, Alberto Espino, Álvaro Reyes, Helga Santibañez. Factores que limitan la adherencia a la dieta y la calidad de vida en enfermos celiacos chilenos durante COVID-19. Arch Latin Nutr 2021;71(1):54-60.

Alejandra Parada, Constanza Méndez, Alberto Espino, Álvaro Reyes, Helga Santibáñez. Adherence to a gluten-free diet and quality of life in Chilean celiac patients. Rev Esp Enferm Dig  2021;113(6):429-431.

Giovanna Valentino, José Galgani, Mirelly Álamos, Lorena Orellana, Marcela Adasme, Amalia Berríos, Mónica Acevedo. Anthropometric and blood pressure changes in patients with or without nutritional counseling during cardiac rehabilitation: a retrospective study. J Human Nutr & Diet 2021;34(2):402-41220.

– Nayadet Lucero-González, Daniela Avello-Sáez, José Sepúlveda, Fernanda Calvo, Alejandra Espinosa, Ignacio Villagrán. Educación interprofesional en salud a través de la metodología de aprendizaje-servicio en estudiantes de primer año. ARS Médica 2021;4.

Año 2020

Valeria Cuzmar, Gigliola Alberti, Ricardo Uauy, Ana Pereira, Cristián García, Florencia De Barbieri, Camila Corvalán, José L Santos, Verónica Mericq, Luis Villarroel, Juan Cristóbal Gana. Early Obesity: Risk Factor for Fatty Liver Disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2020;70(1):93-98.

– Castro-Sepulveda M, Jannas-Vela S, Fernández-Verdejo R, Ávalos-Allele D, Tapia G, Villagrán C, Quezada N & Zbinden-Foncea H. Relative lipid oxidation associates directly with mitochondrial fusion phenotype and mitochondria-sarcoplasmic reticulum interactions in human skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2020;318(6):E848-E855.

– Mella-Abarca W, Fernández-Verdejo R, Pereira-Covarrubias N, & Ramírez-Parada K. Concordancia entre el Perómetro y la Medición de Perímetros en la Estimación del Volumen del Miembro Superior. Kinesiología 2020;39(2):56-60.

Fernández-Verdejo R, Castro-Sepulveda M, Gutiérrez-Pino J, Malo-Vintimilla L, López-Fuenzalida A, Olmos P, Santos JL & Galgani JE. Direct Relationship Between Metabolic Flexibility Measured During Glucose Clamp and Prolonged Fast in Men. Obesity 2020;28(6):1110-1116.

Fernández-Verdejo R, Moya-Osorio JL, Fuentes-López E & Galgani JE. Metabolic health and its association with lifestyle habits according to nutritional status in Chile: A cross-sectional study from the National Health Survey 2016-2017. PLoS One 2020;15(7):e0236451.

– Ramírez-Parada K, Garay-Acevedo D, Mella-Abarca W, Petric-Guajardo M, Sánchez-Rojel C, McNeely ML, Leao-Ribeiro I & Fernández-Verdejo R. Axillary web syndrome among Chilean women with breast cancer: incidence and possible predisposing factors. Support Care Cancer 2020;28(6):2941-2947.

Fredes C, Parada A, Salinas J, and Robert P. Phytochemicals and traditional use of two southernmost Chilean berry fruits: Murta (Ugni molinae Turcz) and Calafate (Berberis buxifolia Lam.). Foods 2020;9(1):54.

Fredes C, García F, Pérez MI, & Fernández-Verdejo R. Exploring Fruit and Vegetable Waste in Homeless Shelters that Receive Surplus Donation from a Wholesale Market in Chile. Sustainability 2020;12(21):8835.

– Banerjee S, Ghoshal S, Stevens JR, McCommis KS, Gao S, Castro-Sepulveda M, Mizgier ML, Girardet C, Kumar KG, Galgani JE, Niehoff ML, Farr SA, Zhang J, Butler AA. Hepatocyte expression of the micropeptide adropin regulates the liver fasting response and is enhanced by caloric restriction. J Biol Chem  2020;295(40):13753-13768.

– Alcantara JMA, Sanchez-Delgado G, Amaro-Gahete FJ, Galgani JE, Ruiz JR. Impact of the Method Used to Select Gas Exchange Data for Estimating the Resting Metabolic Rate, as Supplied by Breath-by-Breath Metabolic Carts. Nutrients 2020;12(2):487.

– Santos JL, Krause BJ, Cataldo LR, Vega J, Salas-Pérez F, Mennickent P, Gallegos R, Milagro FI, Prieto-Hontoria P, Riezu-Boj JI, Bravo C, Salas-Huetos A, Arpón A, Galgani JE, Martínez JA. PPARGC1A Gene Promoter Methylation as a Biomarker of Insulin Secretion and Sensitivity in Response to Glucose Challenges. Nutrients 2020;12(9):2790.

– Alberto Espino E, Alejandra Parada D y Helga Santibáñez W. Enfermedad celíaca y el nuevo Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Gastroenterol latinoam 2020;31(1):39-42.

– Tumani María Fernanda, Pavez Carolina & Parada Alejandra. Microbiota, dietary habits and diet in inflammatory bowel disease. Rev Ch Nutr 2020;47(5):822-829.

– Ballart María Jesús, Monrroy Hugo, Iruretagoyena Mirentxu, Parada Alejandra, Torres Javiera & Espino Alberto. Esofagitis eosinofílica: diagnóstico y manejo. Rev Med Ch 2020;148(6):831-841.

– Tumani María Fernanda, Valdés Silvana, Figueroa Constanza & Parada Alejandra. Nutritional clinical care: how to structure the work of the nutritionist?.Rev Ch Nutr 2020;47(4):685-691.

– Mónica Acevedo, Giovanna Valentino, María José Bustamante, Lorena Orellana, Marcela Adasme, Fernando Baraona, Ramón Corbalán, Carlos Navarrete. Cardiorespiratory fitness improves prediction of mortality of standard cardiovascular risk scores in a Latino population. Clin Cardiol 2020;43(10):1167-1174.

Giovanna Valentino, Camila Hernández, Rodrigo Tagle, Lorena Orellana, Marcela Adasme, Fernando Baraona, Carlos Navarrete, Mónica Acevedo. Urinary sodium-to-potassium ratio and body mass index in relation to high blood pressure in a national health survey in Chile. J Clin Hypertens 2020;22(6):1041-1049.

– Paola Varleta, Monica Acevedo, Giovanna Valentino, Rosario López. Recomendaciones en la prevencion secundaria de Cardiopatía isquémica en la mujer. Rev Chil Cardiol 2020;39:280-289.

Año 2019

– Thomson P, Santibañez R, Aguirre C, Galgani JE, Garrido D. Short-term impact of sucralose on the metabolic response and gut microbiome of healthy adults. Br J Nutr 2019;122(8):856-862.

– Fonseca L, Castillo V, Aguirre C, Silva P, Ronco AM, Llanos M. Stress during lactation induce insulin resistance associated with an increase in type 1 cannabinoid receptors in liver and adipose tissue. J Nutr Metab 2019;2806519.

– Palacio Ana Cristina, Vargas Paula, Ghiardo Daniela, Rios María José, Vera Gloria, Vergara Cesar, Gabarroche Roberto, Rubilar Jacqueline, Reyes Alejandra, Alamos Mirelly, Cosentino Marcela. Primer consenso chileno de nutricionistas en cirugía bariátrica. Rev Ch Nutr  2019;46(1):61-72.

Fernández-Verdejo R, Aguirre C, Galgani JE. Issues in measuring and interpreting energy balance and its contribution to obesity. Curr Obes Rep 2019;8(2):88-97.

– Mizgier ML, Fernández-Verdejo R, Cherfan J, Pinget M, Bouzakri K, and Galgani JE. Insights on the Role of Putative Muscle-Derived Factors on Pancreatic Beta Cell Function. Front Physiol 2019;10:1024.

– Castro-Sepulveda M, Cancino J, Fernández-Verdejo R, Pérez-Luco C, Jannas-Vela S, Ramirez-Campillo R, Del Coso J, and Zbinden-Foncea H. Basal Serum Cortisol and Testosterone/Cortisol Ratio Are Related to Rate of Na+ Lost During Exercise in Elite Soccer Players. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2019;29(6):658-663.

Fernández-Verdejo R, Marlatt KL, Ravussin E, and Galgani JE. Contribution of brown adipose tissue to human energy metabolism. Mol Aspects Med 2019;68:82-89.

Fernández-Verdejo R, Ravussin E, Speakman JR, and Galgani JE. Progress and challenges in analyzing rodent energy expenditure. Nat Methods 2019;16(9):797-799.

– Ramírez-Parada K, Courneya KS, Muñiz S, Sánchez C, Fernández-Verdejo R. Physical activity levels and preferences of patients with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy in Chile. Support Care Cancer 2019;27(8):2941-2947.

– Olate-Gallegos C, Barriga A, Vergara C, Fredes C, García P, Giménez B and Robert P. Identification of polyphenols from Chilean brown seaweeds extracts by LC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS. J Aquatic Food Prod Technol 2019;28(4):375-391.

– Cataldo LR, Suazo J, Olmos P, Bravo C, Galgani JE, Fex M, Martínez JA, Santos JL. Platelet Serotonin Levels Are Associated with Plasma Soluble Leptin Receptor Concentrations in Normoglycemic Women. J Diabetes Res 2019;2714049.

– Santos JL, Cataldo LR, Cortés-Rivera C, Bravo C, Díaz-Casanova L, Martínez JA, Milagro FI, Galgani J. Plasma lactate and leukocyte mitochondrial DNA copy number as biomarkers of insulin sensitivity in non-diabetic women. J Physiol Biochem 2019;75(3):285-297.

Parada A, Mendez C, Aguirre C. Excess weight and gastrointestinal symptoms in Chilean celiac patients at the time of diagnosis. Rev Esp Enferm Dig 2019;111(5):384-387.

– Arendt BM, Teterina A, Pettinelli P, Comelli EM, Ma DWL, Fung SK, McGilvray ID, Fischer SE, Allard JP. Cancer-related gene expression is associated with disease severity and modifiable lifestyle factors in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Nutrition 2019;62:100-107.

– Adasme  M,  Valentino  G,  Bustamante  MJ,  Casasbellas  C,  Orellana  L,  Acevedo  M. Conocimiento  sobre  enfermedad  coronaria  en  familiares  de  pacientes  con  evento cardiovascular. Arch Med 2019;19(2):352-62.

Valentino Giovanna, Acevedo Mónica, Villablanca Claudia, Álamos Mirelly, Orellana Lorena, Adasme Marcela, Baraona Fernando, Navarrete Carlos. La ingesta de “once”, en reemplazo de la cena, se asocia al riesgo de presentar síndrome metabólico. Rev Med Ch 2019;147(6):693-702.

Año 2018

Rodrigo Fernández-Verdejo, Sudip Bajpeyi, Eric Ravussin, Jose E. Galgani. Metabolic flexibility to lipid availability during exercise is enhanced in individuals with high insulin sensitivity. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2018;315(4):E715-E722.

– Gnimassou O, Fernández-Verdejo R, Brook M, Naslain D, Balan E, Sayda M, Cegielski J, Nielens H, Decottignies A, Demoulin JB. Environmental hypoxia favors myoblast differentiation and fast phenotype but blunts activation of protein synthesis after resistance exercise in human skeletal muscle. FASEB J 2018;32:5272-5284.

– Cataldo LR, Fernández-Verdejo R, Santos JL, Galgani JE. Plasma MOTS-c levels are associated with insulin sensitivity in lean but not in obese individuals. J Investig Med 2018;66(6):1019-1022.

– Tapia P, Fernández-Galilea M, Robledo F, Mardones P, Galgani JE, Cortés VA. Biology and pathological implications of brown adipose tissue: promises and caveats for the control of obesity and its associated complications. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc 2018;93(2):1145-1164.

Jose E. Galgani, Mauricio Castro-Sepulveda, Cristian Pérez-Luco and Rodrigo Fernández-Verdejo. Validity of predictive equations for resting metabolic rate in healthy humans. Clin Sci 2018;132(16):1741-1751.

– Perez A, Rojas P, Carrasco F, Basfi-Fer K, Perez-Bravo F, Codoceo J, Inostroza J, Galgani JE, Gilmore LA, Ruz M. Association between zinc nutritional status and glycemic control in individuals with well-controlled type-2 diabetes. J Trace Elem Med Biol 2018;50:560-565.

– Echiburú B, Pérez-Bravo F, Galgani JE, Sandoval D, Saldías C, Crisosto N, Maliqueo M, and Sir-Petermann T. Enlarged adipocytes in subcutaneous adipose tissue associated to hyperandrogenism and visceral adipose tissue volume in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Steroids 2018;130:15-21.

– Ortiz T, Pettinelli P, Hodgson MI, De Miguel M, and Mosso C. Relationship between Vitamin D, Calcium, Protein, Fruits and Vegetables and Bone Health in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Endocrinology Diabetes and Obesity 2018;1(2):1.

– Gladys Tapia, David Silva, Nalda Romero, Paulina Pettinelli, Camila G. Dossi, Manuel de Miguel, Daniel González-Mañán. Role of dietary α- and γ-tocopherol from Rosa mosqueta oil in the prevention of alterations induced by high-fat diet in a murine model. Nutrition 2018;53:1-8.

Alejandra Parada, Carolina Aguirre, Francisco Pérez-Bravo. Overweight and obesity in celiac disease: expression of the interleukin profile Th17. Nutr Hosp 2018;35(4):957-961.

Pettinelli P, Arendt BM, Teterina A, McGilvray I, Comelli EM, Fung SK, Fischer SE, Allard JP. Altered hepatic genes related to retinol metabolism and plasma retinol in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. PLoS One 2018;13(10):e0205747.

Tobar S.  Innovación en legumbres. Rev Chil Nutr 2018;45:50-53.

Año 2017

Aguirre C, Castillo V, Llanos M. Oral Administration of the Endocannabinoid Anandamide during Lactation: Effects on Hypothalamic Cannabinoid Type 1 Receptor and Food Intake in Adult Mice. J Nutr Metab 2017;2945010.

– Valencia P, Espinoza K, Ramirez C, Franco W, and Urtubia A. Technical Feasibility of Glucose Oxidase as a Prefermentation Treatment for Lowering the Alcoholic Degree of Red Wine. Am J Enol Vitic 2017;68:386-389.

– Bajpeyi S, Covington JD, Taylor EM, Stewart LK, Galgani JE, Henagan TM. Skeletal Muscle PGC1α -1 Nucleosome Position and -260 nt DNA Methylation Determine Exercise Response and Prevent Ectopic Lipid Accumulation in Men. Endocrinology 2017;158(7):2190-2199.

– Mizgier ML, Cataldo LR, Gutierrez J, Santos JL, Casas M, Llanos P, Contreras-Ferrat AE, Moro C, Bouzakri K, Galgani JE. Effect of Human Myotubes-Derived Media on Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion. J Diabetes Res 2017;1328573.

– Carolina Bravo, Luis Rodrigo Cataldo, Jose E. Galgani, Javier Parada and Jose L. Santos. Leptin/Adiponectin Ratios using either Total or High-Molecular Weight Adiponectin as Biomarkers of Systemic Insulin Sensitivity in Normoglycaemic Women. J Diabetes Res 2017;9031079.

Galgani JE, Castro-Sepulveda MA. Influence of a Gas Exchange Correction Procedure on Resting Metabolic Rate and Respiratory Quotient in Humans. Obesity 2017;25(11):1941-1947. 

– Cataldo LR, Mizgier ML, Bravo Sagua R, Jaña F, Cárdenas C, Llanos P, Busso D, Olmos P, Galgani JE, Santos JL, Cortés VA. Prolonged Activation of the Htr2b Serotonin Receptor Impairs Glucose Stimulated Insulin Secretion and Mitochondrial Function in MIN6 Cells. PLoS One 2017;12(1):e0170213.

Valentino G, Acevedo M, Orellana L, Bustamante MJ, Kramer V, Adasme M, Baraona F, Chamorro G, Jalil J, Navarrete C. Does Good Aerobic Capacity Attenuate the Effects of Aging on Cardiovascular Risk Factors? Results from a Cross-Sectional Study in a Latino Population. Int J Endocrinol 2017;8351635.

– Bustamante María José, Acevedo Mónica, Valentino Giovanna, Casasbellas Cinthia, Saavedra María José, Adasme Marcela. Impacto de un programa de rehabilitación cardiovascular fase II sobre la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Rev Chil Cardiol 2017;36(1):9-16. 

– Acevedo Mónica, Valentino Giovanna, Kramer Verónica, Bustamante María José, Adasme Marcela, Orellana Lorena, Baraona Fernando, Navarrete Carlos. Superioridad del nuevo puntaje de riesgo ACC/AHA 2013 por sobre el puntaje de Framingham en la predicción de riesgo de mortalidad cardiovascular en Santiago. Rev Med Ch 2017;145(3):292-298.

– Pilar Arnaiz, Monica Acevedo, Salesa Barja, Rodrigo Bancalari, Gabriel Cavada, Hernan Garcia, Giovanna Valentino, Julian Halcox.. Waist to Stature (height) Ratio and Clustering of Metabolic Syndrome Components in Chilean Children and Adolescents. Endocrinology & Metabolism International Journal 2017;4(1):16-22.

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Año 2016

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– Cataldo LR, Mizgier ML, Busso D, Olmos P, Galgani JE, Valenzuela R, Mezzano D, Aranda E, Cortés VA, Santos JL. Serotonin- and Dopamine-Related Gene Expression in db/db Mice Islets and in MIN6 β-Cells Treated with Palmitate and Oleate. J Diabetes Res 2016;3793781.

– Santos JL, Yévenes I, Cataldo LR, Morales M, Galgani J, Arancibia C, Vega J, Olmos P, Flores M, Valderas JP, Pollak F. Development and assessment of the disposition index based on the oral glucose tolerance test in subjects with different glycaemic status. J Physiol Biochem 2016;72(2):121-31.

– Covington JD, Tam CS, Bajpeyi S, Galgani JE, Noland RC, Smith SR, Redman LM, Ravussin E. Myokine Expression in Muscle and Myotubes in Response to Exercise Stimulation. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2016;48(3):384-90.

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Galgani JE, Gómez C, Mizgier ML, Gutierrez J, Santos JL, Olmos P, Mari A. Assessment of the Role of Metabolic Determinants on the Relationship between Insulin Sensitivity and Secretion. PLoS One 2016;11(12):e0168352.

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